SGI Hot Mix 17
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; $Id: gauss2dfit.pro,v 1.3 1997/01/15 03:11:50 ali Exp $
; Copyright (c) 1995-1997, Research Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
; Unauthorized reproduction prohibited.
; Evaluate function for gauss2fit.
; X = values of independent variables, encoded as: [nx, ny, x, y]
; A = parameters of equation described below.
; F = value of function at each X(i,j), Y(i,j).
; Function is:
; F(x,y) = A0 + A1*EXP(-U/2)
; where: U= (yp/A2)^2 + (xp/A3)^2
; If A has 7 elements a rotation of the ellipse is present and:
; xp = (x-A4) * cos(A6) - (y-A5) * sin(A6)
; yp = (x-A4) * sin(A6) + (y-A5) * cos(A6)
; If A has 6 elements, A6 (theta) is 0, the major and minor axes
; of the ellipse are parallel to the XY axes, and:
; xp = (x-A4) and yp = (x-A5)
; Optional output parameters:
; PDER = (n_elements(z),6 or 7) array containing the
; partial derivatives. pder(i,j) = derivative
; at ith point w/respect to jth parameter.
; Evaluate the function and then if requested, eval partials.
; WRITTEN, DMS, RSI, June, 1995.
nx = long(x[0]) ;Retrieve X and Y vectors
ny = long(x[1])
tilt = n_elements(a) eq 7 ;TRUE if angle present.
if tilt then begin ;Rotate?
xp = (x[2:nx+1]-a[4]) # replicate(1.0, ny) ;Expand X values
yp = replicate(1.0, nx) # (x[nx+2:*]-a[5]) ;expand Y values
s = sin(A[6]) & c = cos(A[6])
t = xp * (c/a[2]) - yp * (s/a[2])
yp = xp * (s/a[3]) + yp * (c/a[3])
xp = temporary(t)
endif else begin
xp = (x[2:nx+1]-a[4]) # replicate(1.0/a[2], ny) ;Expand X values
yp = replicate(1.0/a[3], nx) # (x[nx+2:*]-a[5]) ;expand Y values
s = 0.0 & c = 1.0
n = nx * ny
u = reform(exp(-0.5 * (xp^2 + yp^2)), n) ;Exp() term, Make it 1D
F = a[0] + a[1] * u
if n_params(0) le 3 then return ;need partial? No.
PDER = FLTARR(n, n_elements(a)) ;YES, make partial array.
PDER[*,0] = 1.0 ;And fill.
pder[0,1] = u
u = a[1] * u ;Common term for the rest of the partials
pder[0,2] = u * xp^2 / a[2]
pder[0,3] = u * yp^2 / a[3]
pder[0,4] = u * (c/a[2] * xp + s/a[3] * yp)
pder[0,5] = u * (-s/a[2] * xp + c/a[3] * yp)
if tilt then pder[0,6] = u * xp*yp*(a[2]/a[3]-a[3]/a[2])
Function Gauss2dfit, z, a, x, y, NEGATIVE = neg, TILT=tilt
; Fit a 2 dimensional elliptical gaussian equation to rectilinearly
; gridded data.
; Z = F(x,y) where:
; F(x,y) = A0 + A1*EXP(-U/2)
; And the elliptical function is:
; U= (x'/a)^2 + (y'/b)^2
; The parameters of the ellipse U are:
; Axis lengths are 2*a and 2*b, in the unrotated X and Y axes,
; respectively.
; Center is at (h,k).
; Rotation of T radians from the X axis, in the CLOCKWISE direction.
; The rotated coordinate system is defined as:
; x' = (x-h) * cos(T) - (y-k) * sin(T) <rotate by T about (h,k)>
; y' = (x-h) * sin(T) + (y-k) * cos(T)
; The rotation is optional, and may be forced to 0, making the major/
; minor axes of the ellipse parallel to the X and Y axes.
; The coefficients of the function, are returned in a seven
; element vector:
; a(0) = A0 = constant term.
; a(1) = A1 = scale factor.
; a(2) = a = width of gaussian in X direction.
; a(3) = b = width of gaussian in Y direction.
; a(4) = h = center X location.
; a(5) = k = center Y location.
; a(6) = T = Theta the rotation of the ellipse from the X axis
; in radians, counterclockwise.
; curve / data fitting
; Result = GAUSS2DFIT(z, a [,x,y])
; Z = dependent variable in a 2D array dimensioned (Nx, Ny). Gridding
; must be rectilinear.
; X = optional Nx element vector containing X values of Z. X(i) = X value
; for Z(i,j). If omitted, a regular grid in X is assumed,
; and the X location of Z(i,j) = i.
; Y = optional Ny element vector containing Y values of Z. Y(j) = Y value
; for Z(i,j). If omitted, a regular grid in Y is assumed,
; and the Y location of Z(i,j) = j.
; Optional Keyword Parameters:
; NEGATIVE = if set, implies that the gaussian to be fitted
; is a valley (such as an absorption line).
; By default, a peak is fit.
; TILT = if set to 1, allow the orientation of the major/minor axes of
; the ellipse to be unrestricted. The default is that
; the axes of the ellipse must be parallel to the X-Y axes.
; In this case, A(6) is always returned as 0.
; The fitted function is returned.
; A: The coefficients of the fit. A is a seven element vector as
; described under PURPOSE.
; None.
; None.
; Timing: Approximately 4 seconds for a 128 x 128 array, on a
; Sun SPARC LX. Time required is roughly proportional to the
; number of elements in Z.
; The peak/valley is found by first smoothing Z and then finding the
; maximum or minimum respectively. Then GAUSSFIT is applied to the row
; and column running through the peak/valley to estimate the parameters
; of the Gaussian in X and Y. Finally, CURVEFIT is used to fit the 2D
; Gaussian to the data.
; Be sure that the 2D array to be fit contains the entire Peak/Valley
; out to at least 5 to 8 half-widths, or the curve-fitter may not
; converge.
; EXAMPLE: This example creates a 2D gaussian, adds random noise
; and then applies GAUSS2DFIT:
; nx = 128 ;Size of array
; ny = 100
; ;** Offs Scale X width Y width X cen Y cen **
; ;** A0 A1 a b h k **
; a = [ 5., 10., nx/6., ny/10., nx/2., .6*ny] ;Input function parameters
; x = findgen(nx) # replicate(1.0, ny) ;Create X and Y arrays
; y = replicate(1.0, nx) # findgen(ny)
; u = ((x-a(4))/a(2))^2 + ((y-a(5))/a(3))^2 ;Create ellipse
; z = a(0) + a(1) * exp(-u/2) ;to gaussian
; z = z + randomn(seed, nx, ny) ;Add random noise, SD = 1
; yfit = gauss2dfit(z,b) ;Fit the function, no rotation
; print,'Should be:',string(a,format='(6f10.4)') ;Report results..
; print,'Is: :',string(b(0:5),format='(6f10.4)')
; DMS, RSI, June, 1995.
on_error,2 ;Return to caller if an error occurs
s = size(z)
if s[0] ne 2 then $
message, 'Z must have two dimensions'
n = n_elements(z)
nx = s[1]
ny = s[2]
np = n_params()
if np lt 3 then x = findgen(nx)
if np lt 4 then y = findgen(ny)
if nx ne n_elements(x) then $
message,'X array must have size equal to number of columns of Z'
if ny ne n_elements(y) then $
message,'Y array must have size equal to number of rows of Z'
if keyword_set(neg) then q = MIN(SMOOTH(z,3), i) $
ELSE q = MAX(SMOOTH(z,3), i) ;Dirty peak / valley finder
ix = i mod nx
iy = i / nx
x0 = x[ix]
y0 = y[iy]
xfit = gaussfit(x, z[*,iy], ax, NTERMS=4) ;Guess at params by taking slices
yfit = gaussfit(y, z[ix,*], ay, NTERMS=4)
; First guess, without XY term...
a = [ (ax[3] + ay[3])/2., $ ;Constant
sqrt(abs(ax[0] * ay[0])), $ ;Exponential factor
ax[2], ay[2], ax[1], ay[1]] ;Widths and centers
; If there's a tilt, add the XY term = 0
if Keyword_set(tilt) then a = [a, 0.0]
;************* print,'1st guess:',string(a,format='(8f10.4)')
result = curvefit([nx, ny, x, y], reform(z, n, /OVERWRITE), $
replicate(1.,n), a, itmax=50, $
function_name = "GAUSS2_FUNCT", /NODERIVATIVE)
; If we didn't already have an XY term, add it = 0.0
if Keyword_set(tilt) eq 0 then a = [a, 0.0] $
else a[6] = a[6] mod !pi ;Reduce angle argument
z= REFORM(z, nx, ny, /OVERWRITE) ;Restore dimensions
return, REFORM(result, nx, ny, /OVERWRITE)